WhatsApp blocked links to rival chat service Telegram, the instant messaging application. WhatsApp now blocks all links related to Telegram, and the block is working with the latest Android application version. However, it’s still possible to share links, but users cannot copy and will not see any hyperlink on the telegram link. Only Android users are facing this problem, but iOS users can still use it as it normally does. On Monday, many Telegram users claimed that WhatsApp is blocking Telegram links as telegram.me on its service. After testing from Android to iOS, it shows that the iOS WhatsApp application sends Telegram links that are clickable from iOS, but after receiving from Android, it looks like a text, not a link, and is unable to forward any friend.

That Telegram joins, besides, can’t be duplicated or sent to companions. TechViral plainly goes into the case and call attention to the issue – likewise found that numerous different connections with Telegram as the server name were additionally hindered by WhatsApp, for example, telegram.me and telegram.com and the shocking things is that – these are not related with Telegram administration, for case, are additionally being obstructed from WhatsApp. Telegram has earned a name for giving end-to-end encryption innovations on its visit stage. The administration, which utilizes various layers of encryption, is secure to the point that even terrorist gatherings, for example, Isis swing to it. Even though Telegram increased considerable notoriety just after a noteworthy WhatsApp blackout a year ago and on different events. Telegram has affirmed this suspicious movement by WhatsApp to The Verge. The organization told the production that a noiseless redesign to WhatsApp appears to have added this ability to the talk application. A few clients who don’t have the most recent rendition of the application introduced won’t see the square on Telegram connects just yet. A Telegram representative included, “Regularly after a media kickback, FB ventures back and accuses their insightful sifting of the issue. We anticipate that the same will happen this time too.” This isn’t the first run through Facebook, which claims WhatsApp has been blamed for blue-penciling substance and blocking connections. Throughout the years, the organization has also blocked connections to deluge and spam sites. Most as of late, the organization blocked connections to Tsu.co, an informal organization that pays clients some portion of the notice income. WhatsApp or Facebook is yet to remark on the blockage. Right now, it is not known whether Telegram.me connections are getting obstructed in a consequence of a product hiccup or WhatsApp is deliberately blocking connections to its adversary application.

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