With the new iPhone X, Apple decided to eliminate the Touch ID and decided to bet only on face-up unlocking with Face ID. Featuring a likelihood of someone else unlocking our smartphone set at 1 to 1,000,000, according to Apple, Face ID offers better protection when compared to the Touch ID, whose odds are 1 in 50,000. However, this statistic can be influenced by some exceptions, as in the case of true twins who make the task much more complicated and with a greater probability of error. But what if Face ID also had difficulty with other types of siblings?

Face ID unlocked by siblings

According to a video shared on Reddit, two brothers of different ages managed to unlock the same device without great difficulty. The first brother set up the screen lock with face recognition, which the second tried to unlock. Although the first attempt did not work, the second time the second brother, 5 years younger, put on glasses identical to his brother, which caused the iPhone to unlock.

In a second video, the same brothers try to unlock again and, with some insistence, Face ID has returned. However, in this video, the brothers wanted to show that unlocking may be a consequence of PIN authentication. This case can be explained by learning Face ID itself. When entering the secret pin, Face ID attempts to identify the user and, if identical to the registered face, attempts to use that image to improve its effectiveness. Being the two brothers pretty much identical, and wearing the same glasses, Face ID may have recognized as a variation of the owner of the iPhone X and recorded their features. In the video, we can see that the second brother can unlock after several entries of the PIN, which fits with the advanced explanation. The glasses and accessories may be to blame for the diminished effectiveness of this technology in this case. To register the face is advised to do so without glasses or other accessories that may condition the total recognition of the face.

Face ID has also failed in cases of other siblings

Being a problem with glasses or learning Face ID itself, the truth is that the same has happened in other cases and that also with siblings. In a video posted, two brothers, with an apparent age difference, also tried to unlock the same smartphone successfully and without great insistence.

In addition to warning about the decline in efficacy in twins, Apple also warns that children under the age of 13 may decrease the likelihood of success of Face ID, as they are not yet fully developed. Having the youngest 14 years old, you can still enter this group of users that influence effectiveness. Apple has a great challenge to optimize and improve Face ID in the near future. Although the method provides good safety, the truth is that, in certain cases, recognition can be influenced by external factors, such as sibling similarities. Face ID is constantly trying to improve its effectiveness and learn from you, however, you may be using the images of other users identical to the owner of iPhone X. The tech giant Apple has already made available a user guide and configuration of the Face ID that can be consulted here. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


This New Video Shows Face ID Fail To Distinguish Between Siblings - 9This New Video Shows Face ID Fail To Distinguish Between Siblings - 1This New Video Shows Face ID Fail To Distinguish Between Siblings - 36