On Tuesday (27), the giant chip manufacturer Qualcomm announced the new line of its processor, the Snapdragon 700, which offers some premium features without charging so expensive for this. This includes artificial intelligence processing and camera enhancements, performance and power consumption. The Snapdragon 700 series processors will feature the Qualcomm AI Engine, promising double the speed in AI applications compared to Snapdragon 660. In addition, they will be accompanied by Qualcomm Spectra, an image signal processor (ISP) for better photos “at night, in slow motion or with the help of the AI.” Finally, Qualcomm predicts that the Snapdragon 700 line will have energy efficiency up to 30% higher compared to Snapdragon 660. It will also be compatible with Quick Charge 4+ technology for fast loading. The new processors will have Kryo cores, Adreno graphics chip and will support 4G LTE ultrafast, Wi-Fi Calling and Bluetooth 5. Alex Katouzian, the senior vice president of the giant chip manufacturer Qualcomm Technologies, said in a statement that the Snapdragon 700 line “will bring premium technologies and features to more affordable devices, something our global OEM customers and consumers are demanding.” It will take a while until we see devices with the Snapdragon 700 line. The first commercial samples will be shipped to manufacturers this first half, and it will take some time for the chip to be integrated into future smartphones. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


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