This mix of positive character information with information of a negative character gets that many people do not want to bring the world of Artificial Intelligence and even see it as a threat. Hence, the tech giant Microsoft CEO wanted to make public its opinion, to reassure a few and normalize the situation. Satya Nadella, current head of the Redmond company has made a statement at a conference in Munich with which seeks to understand the right way of Artificial Intelligence technology. According to the manager, changing the perspective when facing these developments may be the key. “The fundamental need of every person is to be able to use their time more efficiently, not make them feel they are to be replaced.” With this speech, Nadella intended to show that the AI can be a great contribution to the world of work in general, whenever it is used as a supplement and aid worker, and never as a substitution. In that sense, it seems that Microsoft’s future market strategy is going to be implemented. The CEO of the company said that during 2017 its target in the sector will be bringing technology workers to understand their potential and thus develop new possibilities. But as it was indicated in Engadget, this humanistic conception of Artificial Intelligence could remain mere good words. We feel great that (for once) technological leaders stand to think about people and give priority to human treatment, but in the case of Artificial Intelligence, there are truths that fall under its weight. The development of technology is reaching such levels that there will come a time when it will be meaningless to maintain certain jobs. Not only because the machine can match the performance of a human worker, but because there will come a time when the performance of the machine will be much higher and much more effective. Probably, and in view of the latter, the most sensible thing would be to accept evolution and prepare for an evolution in the labor sector. Take the time to investigate how the job templates will change, what jobs will be eradicated and what new jobs will emerge. This is probably the most efficient way to incorporate technology into the workplace.


Microsoft Wants Its AI To Help Workers  Not Replace Them - 63Microsoft Wants Its AI To Help Workers  Not Replace Them - 29Microsoft Wants Its AI To Help Workers  Not Replace Them - 1