One of the less talked about features of Telegram is the ability to share the live location. Live Location sharing on Telegram was introduced in 2017, but it didn’t receive much attention from users. This is mainly because shortly after Telegram’s launch, WhatsApp also introduced the same feature to its users. Anyways, if you use Telegram for all your messaging needs, you can use the Live Location sharing feature in easy steps. The live location-sharing feature lets you share your location in real time with your Telegram friends. Also Read: How to Add Custom Notification Sounds for Chats on Telegram

How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram

You can control a few things before sharing your live location with friends on Telegram, like the location-sharing duration. Here’s how you can share your live location in Telegram for Android.

  1. First, open your Android app drawer and tap on the Telegram app for Android.

  2. Select the chat where you want to share your location.

  3. On the chat text box, tap on the attachment (Paperclip) icon.

  4. From the menu that pops up, tap on the Location.

  5. Now, the Telegram app will ask you to grant the location permission. Grant all permissions that the app asks for.

  6. Once done, you will find two options – Send my current location and Share My Live Location for..

  7. If you want to share your live location, select the second option. On the next pop-up, select how long you want to share your live location with the chosen individual. Once done, tap on the Share button.

  8. This will embed your live location into a map and send it to the recipient.

  9. If you want to revoke live location sharing, tap on the location-embedded text and select the ‘Stop sharing location’ button.

That’s it! This is how you can share your live location in Telegram for Android. Apart from the Telegram, you can also share your live location via WhatsApp. WhatsApp’s live location sharing feature is very similar to Telegram’s one. You can even send your live location in a Telegram group. So, this guide is all about how to share live location with your friends in Telegram for Android. If you need more help sharing live locations in Telegram, let us know in the comments.

How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 81How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 95How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 87How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 28How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 12How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 38How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 26How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 54How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram - 97