Another group of hackers has warned that they will attack Minecraft servers and Steam for Christmas. This is the group of hackers SkidNP, command that attack through the holiday period. Also Read: How to Hack Wifi On Android Christmas Day black for players who stay home to try their new gifts is presented. In addition to threats against Xbox Live and PlayStation Networks networks, other gaming services could also be at risk.

Hacking Group SkidNP Hack Phantom Squad Website As Christmas Gift

Also Read: How to Hack WiFi WPA/WPA2 Security – WIFIPHISHER A Twitter user by the Obstructable account claims to be a member of the group of hackers known as SkidNP and takes out attacks on Minecraft servers, steam, and during Christmas. “We will attack because we’re trying to get services as they prevent such attacks, reinforcing. Anyone with a $ 5 booster Xbox if they can pull the appropriate IP ” said Obstructable to Neowin. The aim of the attacks, as Obstructable says, is to force companies like Microsoft, Sony, and Valve to improve the security of their servers. This threat is very much in line with the threats Phantom Squad put on Twitter before they closed the Twitter group account. One of his last tweets stated: “I get asked a lot, ‘Why are you doing this? Why do you throw PSN and Xbox Live? ‘ Because of no cybersecurity”. Also Read: How to Hack Wifi Password

Even Kim Dotcom and the collective group of hackers Anonymous believe companies are to blame for failing to improve the security of their servers. Also Read: How to Hack Trial Softwares To Use Them Lifetime If you do not remember, Phantom Squad is a group of hackers responsible for pulling the service Xbox Live from Microsoft’s December 17, causing problems for players. Obstructive, before setting targeted Steam and Minecraft, the responsibility adjust pulling the web of his rivals, Phantom Squad.

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