But until now they were simply rumors finally came confirmation that in the year 2017 Nokia will return to an area that it know much better than anyone. However, everyone knew that Nokia’s return to the production of smartphones and its own brand fame will help it to boost its presence in the market. Several rumors have emerged and on several occasions came evidence that the company will be to certify new devices, but they always came without any confirmation. After the sale of its mobile division to Microsoft, the company was unable to produce or market new devices under the agreement that is established. But now the tech giant Microsoft sold the brand and the exclusive contracts ended, it’s time for Nokia to return to its initial position. The confirmation came from Nokia itself, which during its Capital Markets Day event showed their plans for the coming years and in the year 2017 it will once again return to the smartphone market. But, as we all know very well that the Finnish company Nokia brand returns to smartphones, but not through their own production. Hence, for this Nokia safeguarded agreements with Chinese companies, which will have in hand the creation of the new devices. The HMD is the company that has, for 10 years, all patents and own Nokia brand, which is owned by Nokia and Foxconn. A new entity created earlier this year, which will pair Nokia’s brand, patents, and oversight, with Foxconn’s R&D and manufacturing prowess. What can be seen in the image below, the HMD is obliged to spend at least 500 million euros in 3 years to promote the brand and Nokia smartphones that will be manufactured. The most likely are that the new Nokia smartphones already arising in February at Mobile World Congress, after coming to the market in the second quarter of the year 2017. According to the past information, the new smartphones will be Android and the hardware that has touched shows multiple devices with various market levels which the company wanting to be achieved. Nokia will finally return to the smartphone market, an area that was already dominated by Nokia itself. However, the Finnish company Nokia not expected to get immediately regain its market share, but the company hopes to soon have a strong presence in the market.

Finally  Nokia Smartphones Are Coming In 2017  The Company Confirms - 97Finally  Nokia Smartphones Are Coming In 2017  The Company Confirms - 49Finally  Nokia Smartphones Are Coming In 2017  The Company Confirms - 40Finally  Nokia Smartphones Are Coming In 2017  The Company Confirms - 87Finally  Nokia Smartphones Are Coming In 2017  The Company Confirms - 31