Now it became visible that in 2013 BCCI have already hired near about 14 open source security researchers and UK-based security and surveillance company Page Protection Service, these agencies are currently in the eye of BCCI network to monitor leading cricket administrator.

BCCI: Hired UK Security Surveillance Company For Hacking Activity in India

Dependable sources owing devotion to a sure hall in the cricket board said an only leased office in a ‘swanky inn’ in focal London had been being used for near two years, exclusively to hack messages and telephone records of some unmistakable and persuasive people in India and abroad. Without guiding fingers at anyone specifically, sources aware of present circumstances of advancements said: “This London office had experts taking a shot at a 24×7 premise on portable PCs and PCs, looking toward lay their hands on any shred of information they could. Furthermore, this sort of hacking wasn’t confined to simply the BCCI. On the off chance that this were to be completely examined, it would open a jar of worms. Obviously, BCCI was one of the casualties.” Furthermore no examination has been requested yet to investigate who approved the hacking in the London lodging. Sources said that the private information hacked amid this period – some of which got spilled in the media and included cricket, governmental issues and business – may have sweeping results if left in the wrong hands. “It goes a long ways past cricket organization. On the off chance that reality turns out, there can be not kidding suggestions,” said the source. Page Protective may be have been brought on board as a counter-knowledge measure to that hacking danger, and incompletely because of neurosis on some portion of some cricket chairmen who may have needed to be aware of the stream of insider data once the Supreme Court delegated boards began examining spot settling, said the source.

The disputable question now is!

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The two-part panel selected by BCCI to research “Snoopgate” investigate the entire process all in all and check if the board’s contracting of Page Protective was without a doubt a counter-measure to a greater danger that had been working into its organization? “The panel has been delegated singularly to ensure the cricket board’s hobbies and it can’t deduce or seize anything. Let the examinations take its own particular course,” the source said.


BCCI  Hired UK Security Surveillance Company For Hacking Activity in India - 92BCCI  Hired UK Security Surveillance Company For Hacking Activity in India - 85BCCI  Hired UK Security Surveillance Company For Hacking Activity in India - 93